[精彩花絮] 連鎖餐飲品牌推手「森森森餐飲管顧」進駐DAKUO,10月19日開幕茶會,現場熱鬧非凡且OMO商機無限
Sen Cubed Culinary Management Consultant Company recently inaugurated its Kaohsiung headquarters at the DAKUO Innovation Park, operated by Legend Innovation, on October 19. The event gathered over 50 industry leaders, including ACFTP(Association of Chain and Franchise Promotion, Taiwan), Michelin-starred Danny's Steakhouse, and notable brands like Cheeseduke, 235 Pasta, and dudoo.
Legend Innovation's President, Alex Chung, highlighted the expertise of Gavin Chen, founder and chairman of Sen Cubed Culinary Management Consultant Company, who has 20+ years of experience in restaurant management and brand expansion. The company provides professional services in brand creation, overseas expansion, and franchise consultancy. Notable projects include guiding a listed restaurant group's Japanese market entry and assisting a cosmetic brand's franchising. Future initiatives feature cross-industry collaborations, including an automated bubble tea machine and a Michelin-endorsed private chef membership. Sen Cubed Culinary Management Consultant Company aims to integrate with the development goals of brand entrepreneurship and the OMO industry cluster ecosystem in DAKUO. It will explore innovative business models in collaboration with the Kaohsiung City Government's resources and other partners within the park, moving towards a B to B to C model, enriching the OMO ecosystem from southern Taiwan to the Southeast Asian market.
Also present was Lin Yi-Shain, CEO of GROVYN, who showcased stress-relief and mental healing through plant therapy. Wei Kuo, the Secretary General of DAKUO’s strategic partner, ACFTP, suggested leveraging AI to enhance plant therapy experiences, envisioning a future where plants offer virtual companionship.
陳煥橙董事長表示,森森森餐飲管顧目前輔導的項目包括某知名上市櫃餐飲集團在日本的市場拓展,以及某醫美品牌的加盟輔導等多家企業合作中。未來也將以餐飲為本,進行跨行業的品牌合作,共同開創全新商機。其中包括與國內生技公司合作研發的全自動珍珠奶茶機,計劃推動自有品牌市場拓展,且即將落地開張;以及與米其林一星推薦餐廳教父牛排合作推廣的私廚會員制,讓一般消費者也能享受到私廚級別的美味。同時,森森森將結合DAKUO園區發展品牌創業與OMO產業聚落生態發展目標,期望藉由高雄市政府的政策資源以及園區內其他進駐夥伴的合作,共同探索創新商業模式並朝向B(科技創新公司) to B(消費者市場驅動公司) to C模式,豐富南部到南向市場的OMO生態。