[基地交流花絮] 馬來西亞 SOMO 說墨集團參訪 DAKUO 園區,攜手誠研創新締結雙邊商務合作平台
The focus of Malaysia SOMO Group visit is to aware of Kaohsiung City's innovative entrepreneurial energy in the fields of digital technology and startups and hope to establish a bilateral business intelligence and entrepreneur cooperation mechanism between Taiwan and Malaysia, and to integrate the Greater China market with the Southeast Asian market. Through monthly exchange meetings, we share international business information, investment opportunities, and specific collaboration topics, empowering startups and promoting the overseas expansion of brands and services.
The President of “Legend Innovation”, the operation organisation of DAKUO & KO-IN, Alex Chung, introduces DAKUO's direction in terms of technology investments and industry incubation. He looks forward to collaborating internationally with the SOMO Group, particularly in the areas of brand innovation and technology empowerment; Operations Director Cathy Tseng introduces our 40 tech residents in both DAKUO & KO-IN parks, leveraging a Large Supporting Small model to meet new market customer demands and jointly explore blue ocean business opportunities.
The on-site discussions were lively and hot, with both sides contemplating how to create concrete cooperation opportunities. The event happily concluded after a group photo in the hall, and everyone agreed to meet again at the next online exchange event.



