KO-IN新創「金祐國際」成功研發可背式智慧疫苗冰箱 首批捐贈六龜造福偏鄉民眾
VCC Technology, a resident of KO-IN belonging to the Economic Development Bureau of Kaohsiung City Government (KEDB), successfully developed the “Wearable Smart Vaccine Cold Chain System (Smart Vaccine Refrigerator)”. To improve healthcare in remote areas, VCC Technology particularly donated 3 sets of equipment to the DaJia Clinic located in the Liouguei District. A donation ceremony was held today (13th) to showcase the R&D capabilities of Kaohsiung's startups and their commitment to giving back to social welfare.
Director of KEDB, Liao Tai-Hsiang, states that VCC Technology was the champion of the first "National Innovation and Entrepreneurship Competition" organized by Kaohsiung Intelligence Navigator (KO-IN). They excel in IoT product development and system integration solutions. During the competition, their R&D and innovative business model surrounded by the "Smart Vaccine Refrigerator" won the favor of the judges. Subsequently, through the various entrepreneurial resources and professional services provided by the city government.
The Kaohsiung City Government is actively promoting this collaboration, allowing technology, charity, and business to combine and form an innovative model of sustainable operations. Additionally, KO-IN established a Lab of Digital Twins laboratory in 2023, implementing a platform that connects large and small businesses. Currently, multiple cooperative projects are underway, and we hope to see more successful commercialisation cases like VCC Technology, expanding more innovative business opportunities in Kaohsiung.


金祐總經理吳清吉表示,創業機緣來自於某國際知名慈善基金會長期關注偏遠地區的醫療資源不足議題,尤其各種救命的疫苗針劑常因保存不佳而浪費醫療資源,甚至因此損失寶貴生命,故基金會一直積極尋求技術支持並透過多方管道於2018年接觸到我們,經過多次提案與討論交流後即開始合作至今,合作項目從最早的固定型智慧疫苗冰箱之關鍵模組與軟體開發,發展到目前的可背式產品整機生產交付。目前發表的PVF-2000-KUBE產品,除了壓縮機是日本品牌外,全機從真空腔體製作到螺絲螺帽採購再到組立包裝皆made in Taiwan,不僅實現產品在地化的目標,更向基金會爭取到行銷國際化的機會,金祐將以VCC為自有品牌全球行銷可背式智慧疫苗冰箱,把技術跟品牌都留在台灣。

