2024 Google I/O亮點分享全台第一站就在KO-IN智高點
On May 18th (Saturday), the "Google I/O highlights Kaohsiung 2024" technical exchange event, organized by the developer community "GDG Kaohsiung" in collaboration with Kaohsiung's largest innovation and entrepreneurship base "KO-IN" and "DAKUO", will guide participants through a quick overview of the presentations from the Google I/O 2024 conference. Additionally, DAKUO resident company KVille shares their successful commercialisation of clinic application through Google technology. This event also pioneers the first of its kind in Taiwan's tech community activities, holding a highlight sharing and exchange meeting on the third day after the Google I/O 2024 conference.
CEO of KVille, Liu Xin-Zheng, shares how to effectively create innovative services and business models that meet market demands within the Google ecosystem. Taking the self-developed and operated product "Clinic App" as an example, the total number of downloads in the country has reached 130,000, consistently ranking among the top five in the healthcare category on both Android and iOS platforms. It addresses the unmet digital needs of the public when choosing clinics for medical care and provides appropriate and feasible solutions for clinics. With the real demands plus technology ecosystem (Google’s comprehensive technical ecosystem) to provide vast market development opportunities triggered the success of commercialisation of “Clinic App”.
CEO Liu of KVille pointed out that the business model of the Clinic App has gradually taken shape. In the future, they will continue to evaluate the introduction of Google technology ecosystem tools, such as the large language model Gemini, to enrich the service completeness of the Clinic App, providing a better user experience and encouraging users to pay for advanced services.
Furthermore, this event also facilitates the potential integration of business model between Grovyn & KVille, reflecting the success of this event: showcasing the integration of business applications and technological R&D, using latest technological trends and market application opportunities.
5月18日(六)由「GDG Kaohsiung」開發者社群與高雄最大創新創業基地「KO-IN智高點」&「DAKUO數創中心」合作舉辦的「Google I/O Extended Kaohsiung 2024」技術交流活動,帶領參加者快速瀏覽Google I/O 2024大會的發表內容,同時邀請DAKUO進駐廠商高谷科技一同分享Google技術應用,活動正式圓滿結束,內容精彩且互動熱烈!

本次活動是在Google I/O 2024大會舉行後的第三天即舉辦亮點分享交流會,創全台科技社群活動之先,代表高雄科技人的學習精神與做事效率。當天在KO-IN營運單位誠研創新總經理鍾金峯與GDG Kaohsiung活動組織者黃昱翔分別代表主協辦單位進行簡短的開場後,隨即由高谷科技劉信政執行長分享如何有效的在Google生態創建符合市場需求的創新服務與商業模式。高谷科技以自己研發與營運的產品「診所通APP」為例,在國內的下載次數累計達到13萬次,長期佔據安卓與iOS兩大平台在醫療保健類別的排行榜前五名,解決民眾選擇診所就醫時,未被滿足的數位化需求,並提供診所適當可行的解決方案。高谷科技的創業理念很值得敬佩,不僅要做到公司營利,更要對民眾與社會有正面幫助。但要達成這個目標,固然團隊的技術實力與努力一定是很重要的成功要素,而Google完善的技術生態與廣大的市場發展機會,更是讓高谷科技能夠取得好成績的重要環節。劉執行長指出診所通APP的商業模式已逐漸成形,未來將持續評估引入Google技術生態工具,例如大語言模型Gemini豐富診所通的服務完整性,讓用戶體驗更好,更願意為了享受進階服務而付費買單。
接著,GDG高雄社群志工黃映綺彙整「Google I/O 2024精華」,包含Google最近推出全新的旗艦版AI模型Gemini以及它的迷你開源版Gemma,其中含有大量AI研究成果和應用細節發表;此外更還有Android 15的AI新功能,及Gmail、Google照片等一系列Google服務的更新。最後,由前陽明交大GDSC Lead蔡秀吉分享「Discovering AI Innovations on Google Distributed Cloud」,深入剖析GDC的核心組件以及新增的軟/硬體設備,探索其如何協助企業,讓AI應用發揮最大功能。並聚焦於Google Cloud Next '24及Google I/O 2024大會上介紹的最新進展,及GDC整合了大會中的哪些新技術來實現AI應用以及Gemini Cloud Assist。