In recent years, many startups have felt the challenges of securing venture capital, experiencing even tougher conditions than during the pandemic. Alex Chung, President of Legend Innovation, attributes this trend to two primary factors: global elections influencing economic policies that divert funds to stock markets and the adverse effects of the COVID-19 pandemic on major tech companies, leading to layoffs and a pessimistic outlook for tech entrepreneurship.
To navigate this challenging funding environment, Alex emphasizes two strategies for startups: "focus on strengths" and "direct engagement." This involves understanding market trends and efficiently scouting for quality investment opportunities. Startups must validate their business models to gain market support, ensuring that their fundraising strategies align with their entrepreneurial capabilities. Traditional models of merely replicating successful ventures from places like the U.S. or Japan are no longer effective in the current climate.
Legend Innovation has actively invested in semiconductor startup ALES Tech, assisting with market establishment and capital planning, while connecting them with angel investors and corporate venture capital firms for cash increases.
Alex stresses that entrepreneurs should avoid overly optimistic projections and instead identify their core advantages to carve out a niche in existing markets. Establishing a reasonable growth ceiling and developing a fundraising strategy to capture market share is crucial. The focus should be on achieving a stable market presence of 5% before expanding further.
Legend Innovation collaborates with domestic and international VC and corporate strategy investment firms to conduct joint investment review events annually. Their goal is to streamline the process of securing investments and providing valuable resources for business model validation and fundraising strategy assessment.
With an emphasis on "focusing on strengths" and "direct engagement," both startups and small to medium enterprises aiming for IPOs can pursue their dreams of capital success.
這兩年,不少創業公司應該都感受到風險資本取得相較以往更為不易,甚至比起疫情期間更加乏人問津。對於這個現象,長期專注於早期創業投資陪跑以及中小企業成長轉型的誠研創新股份有限公司董事長鍾金峯給出他的觀點,他認為主要來自兩個原因交互作用所導致,首先是全球幾個主要經濟體都相繼進入大選年,在此期間,各國執政者會利用政策工具協助造市,進而讓股市產生欣欣向榮的前景,加上房地產打房措施也會有意地放緩,以利延續執政,但這樣會導致熱錢過度往股市集中;第二個原因即是從2020年新冠疫情爆發以來,不少指標型科技龍頭公司與金融業未蒙其利卻深受其害,各地紛紛傳出大裁員,甚至有一夜倒閉情況,使得一級資本市場更加看衰科技創業,認為科技泡沫已來且連帶可能引發新一波金融危機,故大幅減少風險投資,轉而投向股市等二級市場或直接暫停募集新一輪的風投基金。所以全球的新創公司或正在等著籌資進行資本加速的中小企業正面臨2000年網路泡沫以來的最嚴苛籌 資環境,讓不少的好公司因為籌資不順,而錯失最好的發展機會。