GDG高雄社群聯手高市府DAKUO數創中心 軟體人才齊聚GOOGLE年度技術研討會
The global developer community's technical seminar "DevFest Kaohsiung," organized by GDG Kaohsiung in collaboration with Digital Art Kaohsiung United Office (DAKUO) and several corporate partners, was held on the 25th at the DAKUO of the Kaohsiung City Government. The event featured over 10 different technical topic presentations, with corporate booths set up on-site, attracting more than 200 participants throughout the day without interruption, making it the largest scale ever.
The city government and the central government are jointly promoting the development of the Asia Bay Area Plan, actively fostering the development of a 5G AIoT innovation and entrepreneurship ecosystem by integrating internet technology, cloud storage and computing, innovative AI algorithms, and hardware systems, thereby increasing software technology job opportunities in Kaohsiung.
Including international tech giants such as Google, Microsoft, Amazon Web Services (AWS), and HTC, many major companies have established a presence in Kaohsiung, fostering a "Large Supporting Small" approach. Additionally, there are the Digital Art Kaohsiung United Office (DAKUO), Kaohsiung Intelligence Navigator (KO-IN), and the newly established MEGABAY Entrepreneur Base, all directly operated by the Economic Development Bureau of Kaohsiung.
Together, they are promoting local R&D and application of innovative technologies, assisting local enterprises in completing digital transformation to seize market, looking forward to an even more lively DevFest Kaohsiung next year, the city government will continue to work hard to promote the development of an innovative and entrepreneurial ecosystem.


高市府經發局長廖泰翔表示,感謝DevFest高雄場選擇在市府的新創空間DAKUO新創基地舉辦,市府與中央共同推動亞灣計畫發展,積極以結合網路技術、雲儲存及計算、創新AI算法以及硬體系統為載體的5G AIoT創新創業生態發展,也增加高雄的軟體科技工作機會。包含Google、微軟、亞馬遜網路服務(AWS)與宏達電HTC在內多家國際級科技巨頭企業落地高雄來以大帶小,同時也有經發局直營的DAKUO數創中心、KO-IN智高點及最新成立的大港創艦新創基地,共同推動創新技術在地研發應用,協助在地企業完成數位轉型進而搶得市場先機,期待明年DevFest高雄場更加熱鬧,市府繼續努力推動創新創業生態發展。

連續五年獲得威尼斯VR影展入圍及2022年獲得首獎等殊榮的睿至Funique公司董事長鄭卜元表示,雙8K 3D XR沉浸式內容平台開發是公司核心能力,強調在虛擬世界可以看見真實,目前已在電影、運動賽事、藝術展品與動植物生態等領域實現商業化。皮克特創意的執行長林宇豪則說明他們可以協助客戶從概念到產品,產品到市場的專業服務模式,包含商品快速打樣、早期群眾募資以及全球行銷等環節,已協助多家海內外的新創企業實現產品上市的目標。

經發局說明,DevFest是由全球 Google Developer Group (GDG) 開發者社群主持的當地技術研討會,參加者可學習如何透過 Google 的開發者工具共同協作並持續創新,在去(2022)年全球約辦理550場DevFest,幫助超過32 萬名開發者。
DAKUO與KO-IN基地營運發展單位「誠研創新」總經理鍾金峯說明,基地許多進駐企業都是受惠於Google技術生態的創業公司,透過這樣的深度交流,將更有助於技術理解,並借助彼此優勢能力來相互合作,以快速回應市場需求,進而拿到訂單,把公司做大。此外,著眼於生態合作的理念,基地也即將攜手與睿至啟動OMO 3D XR專案合作,預計在DAKUO建置商業驗證場域並導入Google技術生態與其他新創技術資源,發展3D沉浸式購物與逛街體驗服務商轉平台,讓科技結合商業需求落地高雄。