聚焦創業實踐與創意思考 成大參訪高市府新創基地KO-IN智高點
Today (17th), A team of nearly 40 faculty and students from National Cheng Kung University, led by Professor Chang You-Yu, visited the "Kaohsiung Intelligence Navigator (KO-IN)," an innovation and entrepreneurship base under the Kaohsiung Economic Development Bureau(KEDB) to exchange ideas on the innovation and entrepreneurship ecosystem, hoping to create future opportunities for students to work and start businesses in Kaohsiung.
President Alex Chung shared his views on innovation and entrepreneurship, mentioning that "demand cannot be created, only discovered." Therefore, for Kaohsiung to carve out its own niche compared to New Taipei City, which has a population of four million, it needs to develop its own unique characteristics. When peers earn a million a year, being able to sustain and persist in a startup for two years, taking advantage of the current stage where young entrepreneurs have low capital and low barriers, and bravely moving forward.
KO-IN resident, LIENEO Technology, led by General Manager Lian Jun-Jie, introduced innovative business models for applying technology to electronic labels and shared with students how to transform from a workplace novice to an experienced industry expert through rigorous training. At the Demo Line site, General Manager Lian Jun-Jie showcased the "Customized Electronic Label" service specifically designed for pharmacy medication cabinets. With appropriate adjustments to specifications and the conversion of usage scenarios, it can be extended to various industries such as manufacturing and logistics, receiving customer approval and commercial application.
The "Lab of Digital Twins" was established in response to the lack of "practical training" and "nutritional support" in the startup ecosystem. It aims to leverage the market-driven demands of large enterprises in the early stages to gain practical experience and necessary nutrients. This will help refine products and business models, reduce trial-and-error and communication costs caused by unfamiliar collaborations, achieve cooperative innovation, accelerate the pace of R&D monetization, and lay the groundwork for sustainable operations.

接下來由KO-IN智高點的進駐團隊「連奕科技」連俊傑總經理介紹科技應用於電子標籤的創新商模,除介紹公司的營運理念與合作夥伴外,也和同學們分享如何從職場小白,經過千錘百鍊成為經驗豐富的產業專家。並在介紹產品時,帶領同學前往「數位孿生實驗室」進行Demo Line現場展示,展示專為藥局取藥櫃打造的「客製化電子標籤」服務,只要適度的調整規格與轉換使用情景就能擴及至製造業、物流業等多種產業應用。而其資料的接收、分析處理與反饋等軟體平台建置導入,亦為連奕的核心能力,這是目前以硬帶軟的具體解決方案與應用實例,不僅可以解決客戶的問題,更能提升自己的競爭力。


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